Monday, May 5, 2014

Chapters 10-12 (The Outsiders)

Gallant means brave. Just because you're gallant doesn't mean you're a hero because being a hero means being selfless. You don't have to be selfless to be gallant. Dally was gallant because he urged the police to shoot him by pulling out an unloaded gun. These actions don't make him a hero because he wanted his life to be over because he couldn't handle Johnny being dead. To be a hero, Dally would of had to conquer his feelings and continue to take care of his 'gang'.

Pony's recovery wasn't going too well. Although he's no longer sick, he believes that he killed that Soc and that Johnny isn't dead. He's kind of messed up in the head at this moment. Randy came to visit Ponyboy. That was important because Randy's a Soc. As of right now, Pony and Darry have a pretty good relationship going on right now. They're getting along and Pony can see that Darry cares for him a lot.

Pony got to stay with his brothers after the hearing. I agree with the outcome because Pony needs his brothers and his brothers need him in order to live a normal life. I learned that the purpose of the book is to explain the differences in social groups and to tell people not to judge others so quickly. The entire book was part of Pony's homework assignment, so the entire book was just Pony writing everything down like they happened for school.

I liked the book overall. It was interesting and action-packed. I liked how Pony, Johnny, and Dally turned out to be unlikely heroes. I thought it was nice how Pony and Darry agreed to stop fighting for Soda. I also liked how the Greasers were all a big family and took care of each other.

I didn't like that Johnny died or how he died. It was too quick and meaningless. There should of been more emotion during his death. The author could have included a little funeral that the Greasers put together for him, or something like that. I also didn't like that Dally died. Dally was supposed to be the tough one that never let feelings in. Instead, he got an overdose of feelings and offed himself. That bugged me a lot.

Other than that, the book was awesome. The quality was what I expected from someone who wrote it while they were still in high school. The content was better than I expected, so I give the book a four out of five. Some parts could have been better and some grammar mistakes could have been fixed. Otherwise, this book was perfection.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

The Outsiders (April 30 assignment)

Consider the family dynamics of Pony, Darry, and Soda up through Chapter 7. Give Pony some advice on his relationship with Darry and the relationship of all three boys. 
"Hey, just bear with Darry. He cares about you and is worried about you and Johnny. He knows how close you guys were. Keep Soda and Darry close. The three of you are family and you gotta look out for each other."

Additionally, give Pony some advice on what's going on with Johnny. How can you make him feel better without giving him false hope or making a promise you can't keep? What should he do in the immediate future? What advice can you offer to make him feel better about what's going on?
"Pony, go and visit Johnny. See how he's doing. Then get some revenge. Beat up a couple of Soc's. Let them know that it isn't okay to mess with your brothers. Avenge Johnny. Then visit him again. Make sure he stays alright."

Create a definition of a hero. Analyze Johnny and Ponyboy- how do they fit as heroes? Defend your answer. 
Heroes are people who risk their lives for others. They are selfless and don't care about the consequences their actions have as long as they're keeping others safe. Ponyboy and Johnny are heroes because they selflessly ran into a burning church to rescue the kids who were stuck in the back, nearly losing their lives in the process. Although they are part of a gang, they care about others and aren't afraid to risk their lives for the lives of others.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

The Outsiders

Chapter 3
The real difference between social classes: The Greaser's are allowed to show emotion, even if it's only to be 'cool' while the Soc's can't show any emotion.

Chapter 4
Location: Park, next to water fountain in center of park.
Weapons: Knives, fists, water fountain
Who's Being Charged With What: Johnny- Murder. David- Attempted Murder
Accomplices and Witnesses: Accomplices- Other Soc's. Witnesses- Ponyboy and Johnny
Roles in Incident: David- Trying to drown Ponyboy. Ponyboy- Victim. Other Soc's- Offenders. Johnny- Murderer and Victim

Chapter 5
1. Johnny bought baloney, bread, matches, a book, peroxide, a deck of cards, and cigs.
2. Ponyboy cut his hair and bleached it blond. Johnny cut his hair and thinned his bangs.
3. They read the book, played poker, and talking.
4. He was smoking too much.
5. They're both beating themselves up about it.
6. That there's a war going on between the Soc's and Greasers.
7. Cherry.
8. If the Soc's win, things go on as usual. If the Greaser's win, the Soc's stay out of their territory.

Chapter 8
Johnny is currently in a bad condition. The doctors don't think he will make it and he passed out when he was talking to Ponyboy and Two-Bit. Pony and his brothers are slowly fixing their relationship so they won't have to go to different boy homes. (Orphanages.) The rumble is still on but Randy and Cherry don't want in on any part of it.

Having a Greaser/Soc will help us to understand the different sides better and make us more interested in the book.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

S.E. Hinton Author Bio

S.E. Hinton, or Susan Eloise Hinton, was born in Tulsa, Oklahoma on July 22, 1948. She attended school at Will Rogers High School where she wrote her first book, The Outsiders. S.E. enjoys reading and writing, the main reasons she began writing. Her narrator suggested that she take a different name, a male name, because he was afraid that her readers would be put off by reading macho stories by a female. She chose S.E. Hinton for herself.

S.E. Hinton has written many books, some of which are very well-known. These books include The Outsiders, Tex, That Was Then, This is Now, and Rumble Fish. S.E. Hinton usually writes young-adult novels. Her characters are usually strong male leads and very macho. The themes for her books usually revolve around social conditions and classes.

Hinton has received numerous honors and awards. She won the Margaret Alexander Edwards Award in 1998, an award that honors authors "whose books or books, over a period of time, have been accepted by young people as an authentic voice that continues to illuminate their experiences and emotions, giving insight into their lives." She has received the following awards for The Outsiders:

  • New York Herald Tribune Best Teenage Books List, 1967
  • Chicago Tribune Book World Spring Book Festival Honor Book, 1967
My prediction for the book? I feel like I'll like this book because it sounds different than most I've read and fairly interesting. There wasn't much that surprised me when I looked up S.E. Hinton besides how young she was when she published her book. 

Thursday, April 10, 2014

The Giver 12, 13, & 14

1. I would miss the color blue the most. I think I would miss blue the most because it's the color of the sky, water, eyes. It's a gorgeous color and I couldn't imagine life without it.
2. There is a little value to Sameness. The biggest value that stands out to me is the fact that there would be no envy. Everyone is that same and there really is no reason for fighting. There are no wars or anything so life would be...okay...if that's the only thing you thought about.

1. Yes I agree with Jonas. It's safer.
2. Because they're okay with how their lives are. He doesn't like that when he knows so much more than they do.
3. Without memories, knowledge really has no meaning. Memories provide insight and help fix mistakes. Memories are needed to have proper knowledge.

1. Yes.
2. No. I think everyone should have the memories so those mistakes aren't ever made again.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

The Giver Chapters 8&9

Chapter 8
1. I think it means he can see the truth and the reason why his community is the way it is.
2. I think it would be cooler to be selected, but all that attention would be nerve wracking. I do believe I would rather be selected, though.

Chapter 9
1. No and no.
2. Because know he's questioning his entire life. He has no way of knowing if anyone has ever lied to him and there is no way to ever know. His entire life has just been turned upside down.