Sunday, October 20, 2013

Characters and Review

Steve Harmon- the accused "murderer"
Sandra Petrocelli- prosecutor
Kathy O'Brian- defense attorney with doubts
James King- thug/ other person on trial
Richard "Bobo" Evans- the rat
Osvaldo Cruz- tough guy wannabe
Lorelle Henry- witness
Jose Delgado- the one who found the body
Ernie- jail mate going to bathroom
Sunset- jail mate putting on shirt
ASA Briggs- lead counsel for defense James King
Judge- man who is in charge of trial
Sal Zinzi-slightly overweight with thick framed glasses
Mr. Sawiki- Film Club mentor

It starts out in Steve's jail cell. This soon moves to a van going to a court house and then it goes to the court house. Why is he going to the court house? Steve was accused of murder and is being put on trial. After everyone arrives at the court house, Steve starts writing in his movie journal. (His thoughts will only become a movie if he is released from jail.) The whole trial is being told in a voice over- a narration of things that are happening. O'Brian tells Steve what's going to happen during the days at the court and helps him understand what is going on. Next the two layers, (Petrocelli and O'Brian) give their opening to why their witnesses are innocent and the trial begins.

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