Monday, October 7, 2013

Teenager Crimes: Should They Be Tried as a Juvenile or Adult?

    I think that they should be tried as an adult depending on their crime and their age. If they're a murderer, they should be tried as an adult, as long as they're over the age of 13. Little children below that age don't belong in a jail. If they stole something expensive, they should be tried as an adult, as long as they're over the age of 10. Children younger than that don't know what they're doing and don't belong in a jail.   Another reason why I think this way is that they may have a criminal record/background, meaning they may have stolen things before, maybe they did other minor crimes that weren't severe enough to be charged. If the person being charged is over 13, then they have no excuses. They did something that they knew was wrong and need to be punished.

1 comment:

  1. I partly agree with your post. I agree that above a certain age juveniles should be charged as adults, but I think that that age should be about 15 or 16. The reasoning for this is that before that age most kids do not have a fully grown brain. The kid might have not had control over what they were doing. I do agree with the criminal record and the if they murdered someone. They should be tried as adults if they murder someone.
