Monday, October 28, 2013

The Inner Conflict and Irony

Steve's inner conflict is that he still doesn't know who he truly is. We see this by him writing in his journal, saying how he wants people to look at him closely. We see Steve's vulnerable and confused side. He wants people to look into his heart and figure it out for him, to have them tell him that he's a good person. Steve's battling against himself to prove that he isn't a bad person. That he is innocent and doesn't deserve to be locked up in jail. He wants to know what people see when they look at him, if they view him as a bad person. The irony of the students being in the courtroom is the fact that he is still a student himself and may end up in jail. This plays into his conflict because one instant he was a student, the next he was in a jail cell, leading up to the point where he doesn't know who he is.

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