Sunday, November 24, 2013

Daughter of Smoke and Bone (Chapters 1-11)

    At the beginning of Daughter of Smoke and Bone, Karou is walking to school when her ex-boyfriend jumps out of an alley at her, trying to scare her, and fails miserably. They get into a fight and that leads to him showing up in her art class as a naked model for everyone to draw. She wishes itches upon him in ungodly places and then Karou and her friend go to their favorite fast food place and discuss upcoming projects. At nearly the same time, an angel is burning his handprint into the doors that lead to demon worlds.
    I learned the term berated. Berated means to be scolded or criticized angrily. Karou was being scolded by her patron because she was always complaining about the jobs he gave her. She was also criticized by her friend because of her hair and the fact that she had once gone out with a mean and disturbingly beautiful man who was a few years older than them.

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