Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Who's the Real Monster?

     As Richard (Bobo) Evans, 22, walks up to the stand to be questioned for his crime, we learn that Bobo was in jail for three years and arrested for breaking and entering, grand theft auto, selling drugs, taking a car radio, and fighting a guy who died. The prosecution in this case is using Bobo as a valuable witness, questioning him in front of the judge and jury is attorney Sandra Petrocelli. Bobo was involved in a robbery that took place at Alguinaldo Nesbitt’s drugstore located in Harlem. Petrocelli asks Bobo what happened on the 22nd of December, he replied with “Me and King planned out a get over (the drugstore) and we done it.” So this witness admits to being at the scene of the drugstore when the store owner, Nesbitt, was killed during the process of the murder.  
      In Bobo’s testimony he indicates that he and three other men committed this crime including Osvaldo Cruz, fourteen year-old gang member, and James King and Steve Harmon, both on trial for felony murder. Bobo claims that Mr. Nesbitt was the individual who pulled out the gun, but that King must have fired the shot, with Nesbitt’s gun, and killed the drugstore owner. “King was trying to get the gun from him and I was going for the money. Then I heard the gun go off. I looked over and and saw the guy falling down and King was holding the chrome,” Bobo testifies that this is what took place on December 22nd in Alguinaldo Nesbitt’s drugstore. 
Update from July 16th
Steve’s testimony- Steve states that he has nothing to do with the crime. He is saying he barely knows Bobo and King and Cruz. But he still does talk to them a little bit. During cross, he is asked many questions that seem to help his side.

Moore- Moore is trying to help her cousin by using a lamp saying that he gave her the lamp instead of being at the crime scene, but she said that the lamp had broken and she doesn’t have it anymore.

Nipping- Briggs ask Nipping if King is left or right handed to see if the side the wound was on would match, but it doesn't match, unless he’s lying.

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