Monday, December 16, 2013

Daughter of Blood and Starlight

Karou is in the angel/demon world and is resurrecting demons. Akiva, the angel who loves her even though she's a demon, thinks she's dead. He soon rethinks that when angels are murdered and starts helping save demons in the hopes that Karou will forgive him. Karou's human friends are worried about her and start looking for her. Karou isn't accepted by the demons and longer and she hates Akiva.

I learned the term bulbous. Bulbous means fat or bulging. Her waist was bulbous is an example of that term. Bulbous was used with lying in my book. The White Wolf was lying to Karou about her safety, but there was nothing she could do but accept his offer because he's the only demon that is even remotely friendly to her, even if he is a bit of a pedophile.

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Chapters 1-5) then (chapters 6-9)

At the beginning, Harry doesn't know that he's a wizard and Hagrid must reveal his secret to him. Harry is excited that he gets to leave the family he was with. In the next chapters, Harry goes shopping with Hargrid and meet the Weasleys. That's where chapter 9 left off.

I made a text to text connection. The Witch and Wizard series is a lot like Harry Potter. The main characters don't know that they're wizards and must have it revealed to them. They're surprised and happy and start on the adventure of their lives.

Monday, December 9, 2013

The White Giraffe (Chapters 11-end)

The main character is still chasing the legend of the White Giraffe. When she finally finds him, she gets to ride him and becomes a good friend. They spend most nights together until her grandmother begins to suspect something is up. The main character reveals the giraffe to her grandmother and they become buddies and her grandmother treats her better. This is how the book ends.

I made a text to world connection. When people find amazing things, they share them with the world or their loved ones. Then their relationships become better and everything works out fine. These treasures are kept secret from the people who would use them wrongly and the world is made a slightly better place.

The White Giraffe (Chapters 1-10)

    The main character's parents were killed in a fire at the beginning of the book, so she has to go to Africa to live with her grandma who doesn't really tolerate children. While there, she hears of the White Giraffe, a legend that her grandmother tells her. She becomes obsessed with it and begins a long journey to find it. When she enters a cave, she meets a witchdoctor. That's where chapter 10 ends.

    I made a text to text connection. In the Red Pyramid, the two main characters chase a legend, desperately trying to find it. They meet many strange characters along the way and run into many road blocks. Both books are action-packed and well written.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Never Fade (Chapters 6-7)

At the beginning of chapter six, Ruby is just learning about her new assignment she must take on. She's upset because she was assigned with somebody under the age of 16, meaning this person was highly unprepared and likely to die. The system she works for, however, can not change their decision. Near the end of the chapter, she is feeling betrayed. The next chapter starts with Ruby and Jude on a plane headed to their assignment, arguing on whether or not it matters if you know the person's shadow when they're going to be killed anyways.

I made a text to self connection. In my book, Jude was scared of being on a plane and was trying to calm himself down. On my first plane ride, I was exactly like him. I was trying to take deep breaths and was trying to make the ride more enjoyable. I spoke to myself, just like he did, and when I did calm down, it was to argue, just like Jude is doing.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Where I'm From Poem--Monster

Abby Olberding
Devon Schweitzer
I am from cameras
from basketballs and a fridge
I am from the old brick house.
I am from the dandelions
The sycamore
Whose long gone limbs I remember
as if they were my own
I’m from sleeping and large feet
from Jerry and Dad
I’m from twitching and sniffing
and from laughing.
I’m from Easter Bunny and Santa
and Mary Had a Little Lamb.
I’m from baking cakes
I’m from Harlem and Africa
Potatoes and turkey
From Jerry wanting to me my sidekick
Also known as Robin
The pictures of me as a young baby

on the wall and in my mother’s heart.