Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Where I'm From Poem--Monster

Abby Olberding
Devon Schweitzer
I am from cameras
from basketballs and a fridge
I am from the old brick house.
I am from the dandelions
The sycamore
Whose long gone limbs I remember
as if they were my own
I’m from sleeping and large feet
from Jerry and Dad
I’m from twitching and sniffing
and from laughing.
I’m from Easter Bunny and Santa
and Mary Had a Little Lamb.
I’m from baking cakes
I’m from Harlem and Africa
Potatoes and turkey
From Jerry wanting to me my sidekick
Also known as Robin
The pictures of me as a young baby

on the wall and in my mother’s heart.

1 comment:

  1. I liked your poem, though it didn't have anything about going to court or jail. Overall, it was a good poem, and I liked what you came up with.
