Monday, May 5, 2014

Chapters 10-12 (The Outsiders)

Gallant means brave. Just because you're gallant doesn't mean you're a hero because being a hero means being selfless. You don't have to be selfless to be gallant. Dally was gallant because he urged the police to shoot him by pulling out an unloaded gun. These actions don't make him a hero because he wanted his life to be over because he couldn't handle Johnny being dead. To be a hero, Dally would of had to conquer his feelings and continue to take care of his 'gang'.

Pony's recovery wasn't going too well. Although he's no longer sick, he believes that he killed that Soc and that Johnny isn't dead. He's kind of messed up in the head at this moment. Randy came to visit Ponyboy. That was important because Randy's a Soc. As of right now, Pony and Darry have a pretty good relationship going on right now. They're getting along and Pony can see that Darry cares for him a lot.

Pony got to stay with his brothers after the hearing. I agree with the outcome because Pony needs his brothers and his brothers need him in order to live a normal life. I learned that the purpose of the book is to explain the differences in social groups and to tell people not to judge others so quickly. The entire book was part of Pony's homework assignment, so the entire book was just Pony writing everything down like they happened for school.

I liked the book overall. It was interesting and action-packed. I liked how Pony, Johnny, and Dally turned out to be unlikely heroes. I thought it was nice how Pony and Darry agreed to stop fighting for Soda. I also liked how the Greasers were all a big family and took care of each other.

I didn't like that Johnny died or how he died. It was too quick and meaningless. There should of been more emotion during his death. The author could have included a little funeral that the Greasers put together for him, or something like that. I also didn't like that Dally died. Dally was supposed to be the tough one that never let feelings in. Instead, he got an overdose of feelings and offed himself. That bugged me a lot.

Other than that, the book was awesome. The quality was what I expected from someone who wrote it while they were still in high school. The content was better than I expected, so I give the book a four out of five. Some parts could have been better and some grammar mistakes could have been fixed. Otherwise, this book was perfection.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

The Outsiders (April 30 assignment)

Consider the family dynamics of Pony, Darry, and Soda up through Chapter 7. Give Pony some advice on his relationship with Darry and the relationship of all three boys. 
"Hey, just bear with Darry. He cares about you and is worried about you and Johnny. He knows how close you guys were. Keep Soda and Darry close. The three of you are family and you gotta look out for each other."

Additionally, give Pony some advice on what's going on with Johnny. How can you make him feel better without giving him false hope or making a promise you can't keep? What should he do in the immediate future? What advice can you offer to make him feel better about what's going on?
"Pony, go and visit Johnny. See how he's doing. Then get some revenge. Beat up a couple of Soc's. Let them know that it isn't okay to mess with your brothers. Avenge Johnny. Then visit him again. Make sure he stays alright."

Create a definition of a hero. Analyze Johnny and Ponyboy- how do they fit as heroes? Defend your answer. 
Heroes are people who risk their lives for others. They are selfless and don't care about the consequences their actions have as long as they're keeping others safe. Ponyboy and Johnny are heroes because they selflessly ran into a burning church to rescue the kids who were stuck in the back, nearly losing their lives in the process. Although they are part of a gang, they care about others and aren't afraid to risk their lives for the lives of others.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

The Outsiders

Chapter 3
The real difference between social classes: The Greaser's are allowed to show emotion, even if it's only to be 'cool' while the Soc's can't show any emotion.

Chapter 4
Location: Park, next to water fountain in center of park.
Weapons: Knives, fists, water fountain
Who's Being Charged With What: Johnny- Murder. David- Attempted Murder
Accomplices and Witnesses: Accomplices- Other Soc's. Witnesses- Ponyboy and Johnny
Roles in Incident: David- Trying to drown Ponyboy. Ponyboy- Victim. Other Soc's- Offenders. Johnny- Murderer and Victim

Chapter 5
1. Johnny bought baloney, bread, matches, a book, peroxide, a deck of cards, and cigs.
2. Ponyboy cut his hair and bleached it blond. Johnny cut his hair and thinned his bangs.
3. They read the book, played poker, and talking.
4. He was smoking too much.
5. They're both beating themselves up about it.
6. That there's a war going on between the Soc's and Greasers.
7. Cherry.
8. If the Soc's win, things go on as usual. If the Greaser's win, the Soc's stay out of their territory.

Chapter 8
Johnny is currently in a bad condition. The doctors don't think he will make it and he passed out when he was talking to Ponyboy and Two-Bit. Pony and his brothers are slowly fixing their relationship so they won't have to go to different boy homes. (Orphanages.) The rumble is still on but Randy and Cherry don't want in on any part of it.

Having a Greaser/Soc will help us to understand the different sides better and make us more interested in the book.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

S.E. Hinton Author Bio

S.E. Hinton, or Susan Eloise Hinton, was born in Tulsa, Oklahoma on July 22, 1948. She attended school at Will Rogers High School where she wrote her first book, The Outsiders. S.E. enjoys reading and writing, the main reasons she began writing. Her narrator suggested that she take a different name, a male name, because he was afraid that her readers would be put off by reading macho stories by a female. She chose S.E. Hinton for herself.

S.E. Hinton has written many books, some of which are very well-known. These books include The Outsiders, Tex, That Was Then, This is Now, and Rumble Fish. S.E. Hinton usually writes young-adult novels. Her characters are usually strong male leads and very macho. The themes for her books usually revolve around social conditions and classes.

Hinton has received numerous honors and awards. She won the Margaret Alexander Edwards Award in 1998, an award that honors authors "whose books or books, over a period of time, have been accepted by young people as an authentic voice that continues to illuminate their experiences and emotions, giving insight into their lives." She has received the following awards for The Outsiders:

  • New York Herald Tribune Best Teenage Books List, 1967
  • Chicago Tribune Book World Spring Book Festival Honor Book, 1967
My prediction for the book? I feel like I'll like this book because it sounds different than most I've read and fairly interesting. There wasn't much that surprised me when I looked up S.E. Hinton besides how young she was when she published her book. 

Thursday, April 10, 2014

The Giver 12, 13, & 14

1. I would miss the color blue the most. I think I would miss blue the most because it's the color of the sky, water, eyes. It's a gorgeous color and I couldn't imagine life without it.
2. There is a little value to Sameness. The biggest value that stands out to me is the fact that there would be no envy. Everyone is that same and there really is no reason for fighting. There are no wars or anything so life would be...okay...if that's the only thing you thought about.

1. Yes I agree with Jonas. It's safer.
2. Because they're okay with how their lives are. He doesn't like that when he knows so much more than they do.
3. Without memories, knowledge really has no meaning. Memories provide insight and help fix mistakes. Memories are needed to have proper knowledge.

1. Yes.
2. No. I think everyone should have the memories so those mistakes aren't ever made again.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

The Giver Chapters 8&9

Chapter 8
1. I think it means he can see the truth and the reason why his community is the way it is.
2. I think it would be cooler to be selected, but all that attention would be nerve wracking. I do believe I would rather be selected, though.

Chapter 9
1. No and no.
2. Because know he's questioning his entire life. He has no way of knowing if anyone has ever lied to him and there is no way to ever know. His entire life has just been turned upside down.

The Hunted Part Two

The main character made it home alive but he can feel his body changing. He can no longer stand the heat or the sun. He begins to think he's crazy but his doubts are erased when he finds signs of the attack outside his house in the morning. He talks to his friends who don't believe him, until one of them is also attacked and nearly killed. Then an epic quest to kill the monster starts.

I connected this to Percy Jackson. Percy also thinks he's going crazy after nobody remembers the 'teacher' who attacked him. Then his doubts are erased when he finds out he's a demi-god.

The Hunted

In the beginning we meet the main characters who are planning to blow up a gas station because the owner is a rapist. It's three guys and one girl, all of whom live in a small town in Canada. They succeed and never get caught. Then the main character's best friend goes a little insane and the main character and the chic decide to run home. When they go separate directions, the main character is attacked by a monster.

I connected this to Percy Jackson. Percy is attacked by a monster in a museum and neither know what is going on.

Monday, April 7, 2014

The Giver Chapters 6&7

Chapter 6
1. I like how families are formed in the community. It's very orderly and very easy. No mistakes are made and each newborn is given a good family.

Chapter 7
1. I would be ashamed, angry, worried, and scared. It isn't right to be skipped by the Elders when given your assignment. I would have been desperately searching my mind for a reason that I had been skipped.

Director's View List (In progress)

Pros- It falls into same category as Hunger Games and Divergent (In genres right now.) Very easy to change scenes, add more to the scenes, make scenes better.

Cons- Jonas is a young boy. Will have to change age. Beginning is vague. Will have to add new beginning. Ceremony will take forever to film. Make it vague, fast, something to shorten and make interesting to viewers.

Friday, April 4, 2014

The Giver Vocabulary

1.  intrigued: 1, very interested; fascinated
Sentence: Occasionally, when supplies were delivered by cargo planes to the landing field across the river, children rode their bicycles to the riverbank and watched, intrigued…...
Context Clues Proof: Children stopped what they were doing to watch.
2.  ironic: 2, contrast between tone/meaning
Sentence: There was an ironic tone to that final message…...
Context Clues Proof: amusing and grim.
3. palpable: 3, able to be felt
Sentence: ­­­­….he remembered that moment of palpable, stomach-sinking terror…..
   Context Clues Proof: stomach-sinking
4.  distraught: 4, mentally upset
Sentence: I guess I just got distraught, watching them.
Context Clues Proof: Distraught and distracting.
5.  apprehensive: 4, fearful about the future
Sentence: Apprehensive, Jonas decided.
Context Clues Proof: Shudder of nervousness.  
6.  defiant: 5, resisting or challenging
  Sentence: ­­­­….smiled at her defiant gesture.
Context Clues Proof: I felt so angry at him. I made my hand into a fist….
7.  enhance: 12, improve by adding to
Sentence: ….because it occurred to me that it might enhance his nurturing if I could call him by his name.
Context Clues Proof: Watches Gabriel when others aren’t around.
8.  chastise: 20, punish
Sentence: ­­­­He waited for his father to chastise Lily.
Context Clues Proof: Rude
9. nondescript: 24, with no outstanding features
Sentence: ­­­­The same nondescript shade….
Context Clues Proof: Unchanged.
10. serene: 28, calm and peaceful
Sentence: ­­­­It was a serene and slow-paced place….
Context Clues Proof: Unlike busy centers….

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

'The Giver' Reflection Answers

Chapter One
1. Being released means that the people are being sent out into the wilderness where animals will attack them and kill them.
2. There are no animals in Jonas's community, there are lots of rules, and everyone shares a birthday on the same day.

Chapter Two
1. I think it was be awful to not have your own birthday. Everyone would be having their own parties and nobody would be able to come to yours.
2. I think I was get the Nurturer. I enjoy working with newborns.

Chapter Three
1. They were just like him. This means that Jonas will start thinking of Gabriel as his brother and he will question his life.
2. I would be creeped out all the time. No privacy at all. Ever.
3. Yes. It means he isn't like everyone else and changes are going to come soon.

Chapter Four
1. An example is the bike rule. Anyone under 9 isn't supposed to ride a bike but they do anyways because it isn't a serious question. Another rule is that you must have so many hours of volunteer work in order to receive your job. If you don't, you'll have shame and dishonor rained upon you when you finish the volunteer hours and get no celebration for it.

Chapter Five
1. Jonas was embarrassed because it was the first time he had felt those feelings and he was unsure of how to react to them.
2. Very important. It's also important in our society. Those who are different are excluded and thought of as less important.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

The Girl in the Gatehouse (p 1-83) (p84-128)

The Girl in the Gatehouse begins with the main character, Mariah Aubrey, leaving her house in a carriage with her former nanny, Susan Dixen, to her aunt's house. She must leave behind her family and go live in a gatehouse for a reason that is not yet revealed. Her aunt does not come to greet her and Mariah is hurt. Her aunt's caretakers help her unpack and that is where I left off.

I made a text to text connection. This book reminds me of Narnia: The Lion The Witch and the Wardrobe as the four children had to leave their home and go somewhere strange in the beginning as well.


The caretakers have finished unpacking and the chapter ends. The next chapter goes a couple months ahead. Her aunt is getting sick and wants to see Mariah. Mariah goes up to her aunt's house and a key is given to her for a chest that she is not to open until her aunt is dead. Then Mariah meets her 'cousin' who she instantly hates.

I made a text to text connection. In the last Narnia book, the four children hate their cousin as well.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

The Coldest Girl in Coldtown (p325-396)

Tana has been bitten by a vampire and tore another's throat out and drank his blood. Then she was taken to discuss plans to destroy the Spider, one of her friend's greatest enemies. She later finds out that the people who were 'taking care of her' were planning to betray her friend and she killed them all after nearly losing her own life. She then finds out that her little sister has arrived in Coldtown and she must find her before another vampire does. Tana herself only needs to drink the blood of a human to become a vampire.

Text to text connection: I made this connection because this book is a lot like the Immortal Rules. Vampires live in special places and are constantly hunted. The main character also faces many dangers and dilemas.

Hollow City (p. 1-69)

At the beginning of Hollow City, Jacob is rowing with all the peculiar children to a small little island and is hunted by wights. Only he alone can sense when they're near and see them. They reach the island after barely surviving a horrible storm and are soon found. They run for lives and one of the children starts screaming and crying. One of the peculiars must read her a story that turns out to be true. I ended where they all climbed into a giant slingshot.

I made a text to world connection. Sometimes stories do come true.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Ending of The Boy in the Striped Pajamas

I liked the way the author wrote this book. It was very easy to understand and I followed along quite well. The only problem I had was when it suddenly went to a memory with no warning and you sort of had to figure it out for yourself.

My reaction to the end of the book was immediate sadness. Bruno ended up dying and it took forever for his family to figure out what had happened to him. I was also angry that yet another book ended with the main character's death.

Being naive can be a good thing, but it can also be a terrible burden. Being naive means you don't understand what's going on around you, therefor you can't be troubled by it. Then again, being naive could be the cause of your death, as it was for Bruno.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

PART 1: Harry doesn't think anybody will ever like him, especially his aunt and uncle, until the day Hagrid arrives and tells him that he's a wizard. Harry starts a fabulous quest to reach his full potential at Hogwarts and meets new friends, Ron and Hermoine. The three of them face many challenges together. Harry also meets Draco Malfoy, one of his new enemies. Harry may be famous, but can he pass the challenges of Hogwarts?

I connected this book to The Hunger Games: Catching Fire. Katniss was famous but she had to go on and face the arena all over again. If she lost, her name would go down in history but district 12 would be looked down on again. If she won, she would be a hero to many.

PART 2: Harry is having a great time at Hogwarts and even got accepted onto the Quiddatch team, the first first-year in a long time. He wins 2 matches for his team and then finds out that Snape, the only teacher who seems to hate Harry with a passion, is planning to steal the Sorcerer's Stone. Harry goes to stop him but gets caught and has to go into the forest with Hagrid, his friends, and Draco and he finds a dead unicorn and a figure drinking it's blood.

I connected this to Maximum Ride books. Max was hated by the Erasers and had to fight them, then found out that one was her brother and they had to work together. Harry and Draco, sworn enemies, were forced to work together which was torture for them both.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Chapters 16&17

Grandmother died. This impacts Father only a little bit. He's sad but he doesn't want to quit his job. He doesn't quit because he's proud of the work he's doing for the Fatherland.

Medicinal sherries are alcoholic beverages. Mother uses them because she doesn't like Father's job and is unhappy. She needs fewer now because of Kurt.

Lt. Kotler was sent away because of the dinner discussion.

She would hate them. I know this because she disagreed with Father's job and the idea of killing Jews.

She gets rid of her dolls! "In their place she had hung up maps of Europe that Father had given her, and every day she put little pins into them and moved the pins around constantly after consulting the daily newspaper."

They have touched for the first time which means they don't think of each other as enemies and are planning to stick together.

They seem to be getting into more and more arguments and are getting father apart.

Bruno only looks alike in the way that they both are bald at this point. Otherwise he was completely wrong. He's fatter and healthier while Schmuel is weak and thin.

In 17, everybody is leaving but Father. This causes problems for Schmuel and Bruno. Bruno may decide to sneak over to Schmuels side which could cause him to get into serious trouble or even bring his death.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

The Boy in the Striped Pajamas Chapter 13

Bruno doesn't understand that he can't be beaten because he isn't a Jew, he doesn't understand how big Poland is, and he doesn't understand that there's no possible way that Pavel and Schmuel could know each other when there are thousands of people on his side of the fence. 

During dinner, Pavel was getting weaker and weaker and he went to open a bottle of wine for Pavel. He poured Bruno's father a glass and went to pour Kotler one when he spilled it. It landed on Kotler and Kotler beat him with everyone watching. 

I can infer that Kotler doesn't have much in common with his father and he's going against his father's wishes. I can also infer that Kotler will get into a lot of trouble because of his father. He chose to beat Pavel because he was angry at the way the dinner conversation had gone and wanted to take his anger out on someone he could actually hit. 

Virals (Chapters 1-7 then 7-11)

In the beginning, there's a new girl in town who's father is a scientist. He goes to work at the lab when an experiment goes wrong, affecting all the kids in the town. There are only about four others beside his daughter. They all start changing. The parents don't figure it out right away, but the kids are freaking out.

I learned the term abhor. Abhor means to hate or detest. In my book, the kids of the tiny island all abhor the scientists because they experiment on helpless animals.

At the start of chapter 7, the kids are just beginning to figure out what happened to them. As the book goes on, they find out that they're turning into werewolves. They discuss how to use their powers to get revenge on the scientists and free the poor animals. The scientists figure out that the kids somehow were affected.

I learned the term amiable. Amiable means friendly. The kids are amiable werewolves and only want to help the animals that have been experimented on.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Chapter 12

Schmuel does give a correct answer for a boy his age, but if he had been older, vital pieces of information are missing. I know this because he refuses to talk about some bits of his travel to Auschwitz with Bruno. The Nazi's took all the Jews out of their houses and moved them from camp to camp, kidnapping or killing those who hid. They are currently starving the Jews at Auschwitz and they determined who were Jews by the armbands everyone had to wear. On Schmuel's side of the fence, they're all working and not eating.


The reason the Nazi's chose the first symbol is because many other cultures wore it and it meant to be good. Hitler, believing his actions were pure, thought it would be the perfect symbol. Before Hitler used it, it was connected to good things.

The Jewish had to use the second symbol as means of identification. They were made to humiliate the Jews and mark them for segregation.
(British Library)

Chapter 11

"Two people stood outside: a rather small man and a taller woman."  Bruno refers to Hitler as small and the woman who accompanied him tall. Hitler, at 5'8'', normally wouldn't be considered short. The woman who accompanied him was only 5'4'' but carries herself well so she would seem a bit taller to a nine year old boy. He was also shorter than Bruno's father.
(Found at google)

"She had blonde hair and very red lips..." At this point, Bruno is talking about Hitler's wife. Pictures show she was strawberry blonde and her lips were very red.

"He had dark hair, which was cut quite short, and a tiny moustache..." Bruno refers to Hitler's little stache here. Bruno thinks it's too short to be bothered with. Even thinks he missed a spot while shaving. Although it was small, it wasn't small enough to be a spot missed while shaving. His hair was dark and short, more of a brown and modern.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Chapter Mash-up

Chapter 8-
Bruno/Gretel-  Love/hate relationship have to love each other
Lt. Kotler/Gretel- Gretel acts stupid around Lt. Kolter.
Lt. Kotler/ Father- Work relationship
Grandmother/Bruno- they both love art He wonders why grandma gives herself the most parts.
Mother/Father-  average married couple also a love/hate  
Grandmother/ Father- love/hate
Grandmother/mother- Mother is annoyed by Grandmother and Grandmother thinks Mother is foolish for only caring about looks.

Chapter 9-  Before Bruno came to Out-With he was happy and content with life. Bruno had lots of friends that he would play with almost every day. When Bruno and his family came to Out-With he  was very unhappy. Bruno has no friends. He has nothing to do. He has to do everything by himself like when Bruno made the tire swing by himself.
Chapter 10- Bruno was exploring when he found Shmuel sitting on the other side of the fence. He walked up to Shmuel and they started talking.

They share same birthday.
Both 9
Both in Poland at Out-with
Both speak German

Shmuel Polish and Bruno’s German
Different sides of fence
Bruno explorer: Shmuel isn’t
Shmuel speaks 2 languages: Bruno speaks 1
Many people have name of Shmuel: one person with name of Bruno

Tuesday, February 25, 2014


Penryn loses her sister to the angels when they attack the world. She must team up with Raffe, an angel who's wings were cut off, to find her among the angels. As they start their journey, Penryn and Raffe slowly become friends, despite his past, and they learn to take care of each other.

I learned the term proverbial. Proverbial means referred to in a proverb or idiom. Raffe is a proverbial angel and likes to rant about his god.

Part Two: Penryn and Raffe happen upon a group of humans planning to overtake the angels and are taken as prisoners. They don't know that Raffe used to be an angel and don't find out. In order to escape, Penryn must fight with people and lose.

I made a text to text connection. In the Maximum Ride series, Max must escape the Erasers by fighting them. When she loses, she's let go as the scientists don't think she's useful anymore.

Monday, February 17, 2014

The Boy in the Striped Pajamas Chapter 6

Maria is a maid for the family. Back when she was younger, Father took care of her and her mother, saving her life. He took her under his wing and paid for all the expenses for her mother's medical bills and funeral. This tells me that Father is actually really caring deep, deep inside his soul. This is very different from how Father acts now. He's now helping to torture people when back then he was saving them.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

The Boy In the Striped Pajama's Chapters 2 & 3

Differences of the houses: The new house has only three floors and only one floor for bedrooms, he also has to share a bathroom with his parents.

New people in house: The three new maids that only whisper to each other and the grumpy old waiter/cook
Clues: It said in the book.

What did Bruno see out his window? He saw the Auschwitz(Out-with) death camp and all of the children that lived there.

Bruno and Gretel’s relationship: It’s a love-hate relationship. They love each other but fight all the time.

Bruno’s innocence and naivety: He doesn’t know what is going on. He doesn’t know what his father really does.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The Boy In the Striped Pajamas Characters

Setting: Berlin, Germany
Bruno: main character, 9, troubled  
Gretel: the Hopeless Case (according to Bruno)
Mother: Redhead, secretive, nervous
Father: High Officer, friend with the Fury(Fuhrer).
Maria: Maid, rescued by Father
Grandmother: Performer

Monday, February 10, 2014

Doctor Who: The Pirate Loop (Pages 7-64: 65-144: 145-212)

(This is a three part blog post) So I started another fanfiction called Doctor Who: The Pirate Loop by Simon Guerrier. He starts it off with the Doctor and Martha surrounded by dancing robots and then haves them go to a ship where a bunch of aliens are vacationing. The ship is attacked by pirates and they start shooting everybody, not knowing their guns just transported the aliens to another part of the ship, either minutes/hours before or after they attacked.

In this part of the reading, I learned the term wossname. Wossname means something that has been temporarily forgotten or is irrelevant. The Doctor could not remember the name to something so he called it a wossname.

On page 64, Martha is separated from the Doctor and has a run in with the pirates. She's shot and is returned to the Doctor, who is busy trying to keep the guns from going off. He's slowly figuring everything out and is rejoiced to see Martha again.

In this part, I learned the term proffering. Proffer means to hold something out for acceptance. The Doctor was holding out his hand so the pirates would proffer his proposal for peace.

On page 145, the Doctor has just put everything together and has brought the pirates and ship drivers together to make peace. There's lots of fighting, but they work out their differences. In the end, everyone gets along and the time loop is fixed.

I learned the term iota. Iota means an extremely small amount. Like certain people in school show an iota amount of work and determination.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Characters in 'The Boy Who Dared'

Helmuth- the main character
Hans- Helmuth's oldest brother, made ships for the Fatherland
Gerhald- Helmuth's older brother, fought in Hitler's army
Mutti- Helmuth's mother, said silence was how some people got by
Oma- Helmuth's grandmother
Opa- Helmuth's grandfather
Hugo- Helmuth's adopted father
Brother Worbs- Worked at the church, spoke his mind about everything
Karl- Friend from the church
Rudi- Friend, started a detective business with Helmuth
Benno Selligman- Jewish student who was removed from the school
Herr Selligman- Jewish man who was beaten on the streets; store was ransacked

Helmuth Final Thoughts

Helmuth loved Hitler at first, but as time went on, he began to hate him. He began breaking the laws, small ones at first, but as the book progressed, he broke more serious laws, such as listening to banned radio stations and writing enemy propaganda. Helmuth began trusting other people to do these things with him and eventually one of them betrayed him, turning him in. Instead of being afraid, Helmuth was calm and put on a brave face until the day he was executed.

I feel a little betrayed by the author about Helmuth's death. There was a certain point where I thought 'Hey, they might let him out and everything will go okay!' but instead he was being the decision that had been made in trials. I was angry and sad. I think it was worth giving up his life for what he did though. He believed in himself and what he thought was right and acted on it.

I thought the book being written between flashback and the modern day was a little confusing, just because it wasn't always clear that the date of the flashback was changing. It was slightly helpful, otherwise it just confused some people.

Of course Helmuth's friends/brother were less guilty! Helmuth was the one who made all the enemy propaganda and got them to listen to the banned radio stations. He was the mastermind behind the crime.

I do think it was fair that Helmuth was the only one who got the death sentence even though it kills me to think so. He was the mastermind and he gathered people to follow his crime.

I think Helmuth's death had a huge impact on Mutti, but I don't think she'll do anything. I think she'll keep her silence and just bear the weight of a dead child. I think his death had a huge impact on his older brother. His brother didn't want to work for Hitler in the first place and he knew that Helmuth hated Hitler's guts, so I think his brother will try to honor Helmuth by fighting for what he believed in.

My overall thoughts on the story are positive. I really enjoyed it, except for the ending. There was a lot of anger, sadness, and joy that swirled around in me as we were reading the book. Anger at Hitler and his ways, sadness at all the death and pain Helmuth experienced, and joy that Helmuth finally stood up for himself and his beliefs. I strongly suggest that other people read this book as soon as possible.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Bag of Bones (Pages 217-292)

On page 217, Mike is talking to a ghost of his wife. Creepy, huh? She desperately wants Mike to find some owls as he works on the house. He's absolutely confused as to why. People begin to think Mike is going crazy in town and he's having a hard time reconnecting with everyone. Poor guy.

I learned the term schizoid. Schizoid is having the personality type characterized by emotional aloofness and solitary habits. That almost describes me. I take this as meaning you enjoy being alone and don't feel very much all the time. You're like a statue that is hardly ever seen.

Bag of Bones (Pages 107-216)

Okay, so Mike has just arrived at his summer house place and finds it nearly in ruins. He feels his hope basically come crashing down but decides it's too late to give up. He starts fixing the place up, hiring a few people here and there to help. That's all it's about really. I found some parts more interesting than others, but I suppose everything will come to play at it's own time.

I learned the term troubadour. Troubadour is a French lyric poet composing and singing in Provencal in the 11th to 13th centuries on the theme of courtly love. Big definition for a fun word. I don't know how that fit into the sentence, but it was something new to me. You're very welcome for learning that new, useless fact.

Bag of Bones (Pages 1-106)

I recently started Bag of Bones by Stephen King. In the beginning, Mike Noonan's, a best-selling author, wife dies of a brain tumor nobody knew she had out on the streets. Mike is in a stage of grief and moves away, needing time to digest her death. He is unable to write and has vivid nightmares every night. So the entire 106 pages are basically talking about him deciding to go to his summer house, far away from his regular house.

I learned the term contemptuously. Contemptuously means without respect; in a disdainful manner. Basically, people talk to you like this when their angry, or make contemptuous gestures, or something along those lines. They're just being rude. I hate contemptuous people. Don't you?

Doctor Who: Wishing Well (Pages 119-199)

At this point, the Doctor is now in a very deep well and stuck. Hence the name of the book. Martha is freaking out above and the Doctor is bored out of his mind. Just as the Doctor just about loses his mind, he is sucked even further into the well where he discovers that the creature inside is alive and very, very dangerous. Then Martha has the (brilliant) idea to start drilling into the well. She nearly kills the Doctor but they both escape knowing that they have to stop this very evil creature.

The endless knowledge continues. The term that stuck out the most to me this time was peremptory. Peremptory means insisting immediate attention or obedience in a brusquely imperious way. That's the long way of having an insulting attitude and wanting to be obeyed without question. So, a snotty rich person who's used to getting their way in even simpler terms. Sounds about right to me.

Doctor Who: Wishing Well (Pages 1-118)

I have just started Doctor Who: Wishing Well and I have to say, it is some of the best fanfiction I have ever read. It's written by Trevor Baxendale. It's the tenth doctor with his companion, Martha Jones. They're off having some great adventure in the Wild West when they meet impossible cowboys who are way before their time. They have electric guns that basically electrocute people to death. They get into a fight and now the Doctor must go off and save the town. It's all very exciting!

While reading/watching Doctor Who, you gain an endless amount of knowledge. In my reading, the term that stuck out the most for me was prevaricating, mostly because somebody was being scorned for doing whatever prevaricating is. Here's the definition: to speak or act in an evasive way. So the character who was prevaricating was making waffles instead of helping the Doctor. How thoughtful of him to provide food for a nearly dead man!

The Memory Keeper's Daughter (262-end)

On page 262, we start with Dr. Henry headed to his old house that he hasn't been to since his sister died. There, he finds that a homeless and pregnant girl lives there. They have a conversation together and he ends up taking her home. Of course, his wife is suspicious and angry, but they only dish it out for a for minutes before she just walks away. Their son is beginning to fall in love with girl, but after finding out that she knows more about his father than he does, he can't handle it and runs off. Toward the end of the book, Paul and Pheobe meet and together they go off to live their own lives.

I learned the term appraiser. An appraiser is someone who estimates the worth/value/quality of things. Basically, you use appraisers when somebody dies. What a great job, huh? Anywho, the appraisers look at the objects of the person and tell you how much they're worth. Sell the items, get the money.

"The Boy Who Dared" Power

Many people abused their power in "The Boy Who Dared." One is Hitler. Hitler abused his power by creating harsh and unneeded laws, started wars, and threw out the Jews. This impacts Helmuth's life because he had to follows laws he didn't believe in, he hated the idea of war, and he couldn't figure out why Hitler hated the Jews. Another example are the soldiers Helmuth fought with. They abuse their power by bullying everybody wherever they go. This impacts Helmuth's life because he gets into many fights with the soldiers and his friends must hold him back.

I believe Helmuth will speak out against Hitler and use the shortwave radio. While saying these things and using the radio, his neighbors will catch him and inform the soldiers. He'll be arrested and thrown in prison. This will lead up to him waiting for execution day.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The Memory Keeper's Daughter

Pages 203-262 quick sum up. On 203, Dr. Henry is still trying to connect with his son but only succeeds in making him angry. While his son runs off, Dr. Henry destroys the picture of his wife with the man that she cheated on him with. Then it's a new chapter and Dr. Henry's son is with his friend. They nearly get killed by a train, all by their own doing, and Duke, Dr. Henry's son's friend, decides to get Paul high. Paul loves it and they go back to his house and invite over a bunch of older guys. They all get high and the boys ruin Dr. Henry's picture room, where he develops all the pictures. Dr. Henry finds his son there the next morning and makes him clean it up all by himself. Then Dr. Henry sends the nurse a note saying he wants to see his daughter, making the nurse extremely mad and she refuses. Then there's an accident meeting and that's where I left off.

I learned the term silverfish. Silverfish is actually a type of goldfish, and in my book, it was used in likeness of dizziness. You know how some people see spots, or fairies, or something like that when they get dizzy or something? That's what this person was experiencing, except they see silverfish. I thought that was interesting because silverfish are so strange.

The Memory Keeper's Daughter

Okay, pages 173-202 quick sum up. Page 173 starts in July 1977 when the kids are around 13 years of age. Basically, Dr. Henry, his wife, and his son are on a beach on vacation and Dr. Henry is filling up his days by taking pictures of his wife in different poses. Norah is sick of him acting like nothing has ever happened to their family and decides to cheat on him with a man she met while on vacation. Her son and Dr. Henry both discover this but neither say anything so Norah continues to do so while Dr. Henry and his son try to connect. It isn't working very well.

I learned the term terrazzo. Terrazzo is flooring material made of chips of marble or granite set in concrete and polished to give a smooth surface. Terrazzo is the type of floor they have in their condo while on vacation, and I must say, the pictures depict it as very nice, but I feel like it would be freezing cold.


third reich-Nazi dictatorship under Hitler
Treaty of Versailles-Treaty imposed on Germany by the Allied powers
propoganda-biased or misleading nature
chancellor-a senior state or legal official
dictator-ruler with total power over a country
Gestapo-secret state police in Nazi Germany
compulsory-required by law or a rule
annex-add to a document
ghetto-restrict to an isolated or segregated area/group
labor camp-prison camp in which hard labor is enforced
extermination camp-used to kill millions of people
The Final Solution-Nazi policy of exterminating European Jews

Helmuth's View As a Child

Helmuth could not figure out why everyone hated the Jews. He could find nothing wrong with them and even managed to name off three who he knew and liked. Helmuth didn't agree with Hitler and everyone else about the Jews, but he still wanted to fight for Hitler.

Monday, January 27, 2014

The Boy Who Dared Vocab

SS/SA soldier or officer- Nazi soldiers
Kristallnacht- a.k.a. the Night of Broken Glass, was a pogrom against Jews through Nazi Germany and parts of Austria on the 9-10 of November. 
Fuhrer- A ruthless ruler
rationing- a fixed amount for one person
Jungvolk- A youth organization in Nazi Germany for boys ages 10-14 and was part of the Hitler Youth program.
censorship- The practice of officially examining books, movies, etc. and suppressing unacceptable parts. 

Aryan- used in Nazism to designate a supposed master race of non-Jewish Caucasians having Nordic features
informers- someone who informs on another person to police or other authority
black market- an illegal trade in officially controlled commodities
shortwave radio- Radio communication using the upper MF and all the HF portion of the radio spectrum
People's radio- Range of radio receivers
National Socialism- Political doctrine of the Nazi Party of Germany