Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Days of Blood and Starlight

    I started a book called Days of Blood and Starlight, the second book in a series. Karou went off to find the demon/angel world and found it in ruins with the angels as tyrant rulers. She finds the demons who raised her dead and wants nothing more than Akiva's death. She finds the old king of the demons, the White Wolf, and he takes her to meet the other demons who have survived. They all hate her, but they need her so they can bring back the population. The White Wolf tricks Karou into helping them and later on tries to rape her. She kills him and becomes scared for her life. Her only friend at the little camp sacrifices himself so she can put his soul in the White Wolf's body so it looks like nothing happened.

    I learned the fun word tumult. Tumult means a state of commotion, noise, and confusion. (Much like most houses with little children.) Tumult breaks out when Karou brings her human friends to safety at the demon hide-out. It is the White Wolf's job to keep everything sane and he wasn't doing a very good job.

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