Monday, January 27, 2014

The Boy Who Dared Vocab

SS/SA soldier or officer- Nazi soldiers
Kristallnacht- a.k.a. the Night of Broken Glass, was a pogrom against Jews through Nazi Germany and parts of Austria on the 9-10 of November. 
Fuhrer- A ruthless ruler
rationing- a fixed amount for one person
Jungvolk- A youth organization in Nazi Germany for boys ages 10-14 and was part of the Hitler Youth program.
censorship- The practice of officially examining books, movies, etc. and suppressing unacceptable parts. 

Aryan- used in Nazism to designate a supposed master race of non-Jewish Caucasians having Nordic features
informers- someone who informs on another person to police or other authority
black market- an illegal trade in officially controlled commodities
shortwave radio- Radio communication using the upper MF and all the HF portion of the radio spectrum
People's radio- Range of radio receivers
National Socialism- Political doctrine of the Nazi Party of Germany


  1. I had pretty much the same definitions, I had to highlight it to read it though. You might want to change the font color.
