Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The Death Cure

    I recently started The Death Cure. It's the final book in the Maze Runner series, so of course Thomas, Minho, Teresa, Aris, Brenda, and Newt are all back. In the beginning, Thomas is all alone for Phase Three in a white padded cell for three weeks. At the end of the 26th day, a man from WICKED arrives and tells him it's all over. Thomas is skeptical, but forgets his worries when he's reunited with his friends. The next few chapters are about the man telling them they have a choice. They can either regain their memories or they can wait in another room. Thomas, Minho, and Newt decide they don't trust WICKED with their brains and wait in another room until they can escape while everyone else undergoes surgery. I ended with Thomas, Minho, and Newt being reunited with Brenda and her friend Jorge and escaping.

    A term that I learned while reading was laconic. Laconic means brief and to the point. This paragraph is an example of laconic as it is effectively cut short. Thomas wanted the man to make his speech laconic so he could suffer in peace and quiet without lies being spread about.

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