Friday, January 17, 2014

WW2 and Holocaust Questions

1. Determine the root cause of the Holocaust and WWII happening. -Hitler hated Jews and other groups of people. World War II may have happened when Japan invaded Manchuria, economic issues, and nationalism as well.

2.  Describe the terms of the Treaty of Versailles.- Helped create the conditions responsible for Hitler’s rise to power Lose territories, army reduced, lost weaponry, pay money

3.  What does reich mean?-  nation or realm

4.  How did Hitler gain his power?- Hitler became chancellor in January. What strategies and examples did you notice?- He made up laws for about anything you could of done.

5.  What are some examples of how Hitler abused power? -He made laws for the simplest things such as sitting on a park bench or owning a pet dog. He made Nazis boycott people.

6.  What do you think were the most notable events throughout the Holocaust?- When Hitler committed suicide in 1945 in his bunker, the bombs dropped on Japan, and Japan surrenders.  Why?- It was notable when Hitler committed suicide because he was finally gone and his horrible reign ended. It was notable when the bombs were dropped because they're bombs and they killed many many people and helped ensure the Japan would surrender. It was very notable when Japan surrendered because that marked the end of WWII.

7.  Describe what led to the fall of Hitler's Nazi regime.- Hitler committed suicide and U.S forces came into and helped.

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