Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Chapter Mash-up

Chapter 8-
Bruno/Gretel-  Love/hate relationship have to love each other
Lt. Kotler/Gretel- Gretel acts stupid around Lt. Kolter.
Lt. Kotler/ Father- Work relationship
Grandmother/Bruno- they both love art He wonders why grandma gives herself the most parts.
Mother/Father-  average married couple also a love/hate  
Grandmother/ Father- love/hate
Grandmother/mother- Mother is annoyed by Grandmother and Grandmother thinks Mother is foolish for only caring about looks.

Chapter 9-  Before Bruno came to Out-With he was happy and content with life. Bruno had lots of friends that he would play with almost every day. When Bruno and his family came to Out-With he  was very unhappy. Bruno has no friends. He has nothing to do. He has to do everything by himself like when Bruno made the tire swing by himself.
Chapter 10- Bruno was exploring when he found Shmuel sitting on the other side of the fence. He walked up to Shmuel and they started talking.

They share same birthday.
Both 9
Both in Poland at Out-with
Both speak German

Shmuel Polish and Bruno’s German
Different sides of fence
Bruno explorer: Shmuel isn’t
Shmuel speaks 2 languages: Bruno speaks 1
Many people have name of Shmuel: one person with name of Bruno

Tuesday, February 25, 2014


Penryn loses her sister to the angels when they attack the world. She must team up with Raffe, an angel who's wings were cut off, to find her among the angels. As they start their journey, Penryn and Raffe slowly become friends, despite his past, and they learn to take care of each other.

I learned the term proverbial. Proverbial means referred to in a proverb or idiom. Raffe is a proverbial angel and likes to rant about his god.

Part Two: Penryn and Raffe happen upon a group of humans planning to overtake the angels and are taken as prisoners. They don't know that Raffe used to be an angel and don't find out. In order to escape, Penryn must fight with people and lose.

I made a text to text connection. In the Maximum Ride series, Max must escape the Erasers by fighting them. When she loses, she's let go as the scientists don't think she's useful anymore.

Monday, February 17, 2014

The Boy in the Striped Pajamas Chapter 6

Maria is a maid for the family. Back when she was younger, Father took care of her and her mother, saving her life. He took her under his wing and paid for all the expenses for her mother's medical bills and funeral. This tells me that Father is actually really caring deep, deep inside his soul. This is very different from how Father acts now. He's now helping to torture people when back then he was saving them.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

The Boy In the Striped Pajama's Chapters 2 & 3

Differences of the houses: The new house has only three floors and only one floor for bedrooms, he also has to share a bathroom with his parents.

New people in house: The three new maids that only whisper to each other and the grumpy old waiter/cook
Clues: It said in the book.

What did Bruno see out his window? He saw the Auschwitz(Out-with) death camp and all of the children that lived there.

Bruno and Gretel’s relationship: It’s a love-hate relationship. They love each other but fight all the time.

Bruno’s innocence and naivety: He doesn’t know what is going on. He doesn’t know what his father really does.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The Boy In the Striped Pajamas Characters

Setting: Berlin, Germany
Bruno: main character, 9, troubled  
Gretel: the Hopeless Case (according to Bruno)
Mother: Redhead, secretive, nervous
Father: High Officer, friend with the Fury(Fuhrer).
Maria: Maid, rescued by Father
Grandmother: Performer

Monday, February 10, 2014

Doctor Who: The Pirate Loop (Pages 7-64: 65-144: 145-212)

(This is a three part blog post) So I started another fanfiction called Doctor Who: The Pirate Loop by Simon Guerrier. He starts it off with the Doctor and Martha surrounded by dancing robots and then haves them go to a ship where a bunch of aliens are vacationing. The ship is attacked by pirates and they start shooting everybody, not knowing their guns just transported the aliens to another part of the ship, either minutes/hours before or after they attacked.

In this part of the reading, I learned the term wossname. Wossname means something that has been temporarily forgotten or is irrelevant. The Doctor could not remember the name to something so he called it a wossname.

On page 64, Martha is separated from the Doctor and has a run in with the pirates. She's shot and is returned to the Doctor, who is busy trying to keep the guns from going off. He's slowly figuring everything out and is rejoiced to see Martha again.

In this part, I learned the term proffering. Proffer means to hold something out for acceptance. The Doctor was holding out his hand so the pirates would proffer his proposal for peace.

On page 145, the Doctor has just put everything together and has brought the pirates and ship drivers together to make peace. There's lots of fighting, but they work out their differences. In the end, everyone gets along and the time loop is fixed.

I learned the term iota. Iota means an extremely small amount. Like certain people in school show an iota amount of work and determination.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Characters in 'The Boy Who Dared'

Helmuth- the main character
Hans- Helmuth's oldest brother, made ships for the Fatherland
Gerhald- Helmuth's older brother, fought in Hitler's army
Mutti- Helmuth's mother, said silence was how some people got by
Oma- Helmuth's grandmother
Opa- Helmuth's grandfather
Hugo- Helmuth's adopted father
Brother Worbs- Worked at the church, spoke his mind about everything
Karl- Friend from the church
Rudi- Friend, started a detective business with Helmuth
Benno Selligman- Jewish student who was removed from the school
Herr Selligman- Jewish man who was beaten on the streets; store was ransacked

Helmuth Final Thoughts

Helmuth loved Hitler at first, but as time went on, he began to hate him. He began breaking the laws, small ones at first, but as the book progressed, he broke more serious laws, such as listening to banned radio stations and writing enemy propaganda. Helmuth began trusting other people to do these things with him and eventually one of them betrayed him, turning him in. Instead of being afraid, Helmuth was calm and put on a brave face until the day he was executed.

I feel a little betrayed by the author about Helmuth's death. There was a certain point where I thought 'Hey, they might let him out and everything will go okay!' but instead he was being the decision that had been made in trials. I was angry and sad. I think it was worth giving up his life for what he did though. He believed in himself and what he thought was right and acted on it.

I thought the book being written between flashback and the modern day was a little confusing, just because it wasn't always clear that the date of the flashback was changing. It was slightly helpful, otherwise it just confused some people.

Of course Helmuth's friends/brother were less guilty! Helmuth was the one who made all the enemy propaganda and got them to listen to the banned radio stations. He was the mastermind behind the crime.

I do think it was fair that Helmuth was the only one who got the death sentence even though it kills me to think so. He was the mastermind and he gathered people to follow his crime.

I think Helmuth's death had a huge impact on Mutti, but I don't think she'll do anything. I think she'll keep her silence and just bear the weight of a dead child. I think his death had a huge impact on his older brother. His brother didn't want to work for Hitler in the first place and he knew that Helmuth hated Hitler's guts, so I think his brother will try to honor Helmuth by fighting for what he believed in.

My overall thoughts on the story are positive. I really enjoyed it, except for the ending. There was a lot of anger, sadness, and joy that swirled around in me as we were reading the book. Anger at Hitler and his ways, sadness at all the death and pain Helmuth experienced, and joy that Helmuth finally stood up for himself and his beliefs. I strongly suggest that other people read this book as soon as possible.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Bag of Bones (Pages 217-292)

On page 217, Mike is talking to a ghost of his wife. Creepy, huh? She desperately wants Mike to find some owls as he works on the house. He's absolutely confused as to why. People begin to think Mike is going crazy in town and he's having a hard time reconnecting with everyone. Poor guy.

I learned the term schizoid. Schizoid is having the personality type characterized by emotional aloofness and solitary habits. That almost describes me. I take this as meaning you enjoy being alone and don't feel very much all the time. You're like a statue that is hardly ever seen.

Bag of Bones (Pages 107-216)

Okay, so Mike has just arrived at his summer house place and finds it nearly in ruins. He feels his hope basically come crashing down but decides it's too late to give up. He starts fixing the place up, hiring a few people here and there to help. That's all it's about really. I found some parts more interesting than others, but I suppose everything will come to play at it's own time.

I learned the term troubadour. Troubadour is a French lyric poet composing and singing in Provencal in the 11th to 13th centuries on the theme of courtly love. Big definition for a fun word. I don't know how that fit into the sentence, but it was something new to me. You're very welcome for learning that new, useless fact.

Bag of Bones (Pages 1-106)

I recently started Bag of Bones by Stephen King. In the beginning, Mike Noonan's, a best-selling author, wife dies of a brain tumor nobody knew she had out on the streets. Mike is in a stage of grief and moves away, needing time to digest her death. He is unable to write and has vivid nightmares every night. So the entire 106 pages are basically talking about him deciding to go to his summer house, far away from his regular house.

I learned the term contemptuously. Contemptuously means without respect; in a disdainful manner. Basically, people talk to you like this when their angry, or make contemptuous gestures, or something along those lines. They're just being rude. I hate contemptuous people. Don't you?

Doctor Who: Wishing Well (Pages 119-199)

At this point, the Doctor is now in a very deep well and stuck. Hence the name of the book. Martha is freaking out above and the Doctor is bored out of his mind. Just as the Doctor just about loses his mind, he is sucked even further into the well where he discovers that the creature inside is alive and very, very dangerous. Then Martha has the (brilliant) idea to start drilling into the well. She nearly kills the Doctor but they both escape knowing that they have to stop this very evil creature.

The endless knowledge continues. The term that stuck out the most to me this time was peremptory. Peremptory means insisting immediate attention or obedience in a brusquely imperious way. That's the long way of having an insulting attitude and wanting to be obeyed without question. So, a snotty rich person who's used to getting their way in even simpler terms. Sounds about right to me.

Doctor Who: Wishing Well (Pages 1-118)

I have just started Doctor Who: Wishing Well and I have to say, it is some of the best fanfiction I have ever read. It's written by Trevor Baxendale. It's the tenth doctor with his companion, Martha Jones. They're off having some great adventure in the Wild West when they meet impossible cowboys who are way before their time. They have electric guns that basically electrocute people to death. They get into a fight and now the Doctor must go off and save the town. It's all very exciting!

While reading/watching Doctor Who, you gain an endless amount of knowledge. In my reading, the term that stuck out the most for me was prevaricating, mostly because somebody was being scorned for doing whatever prevaricating is. Here's the definition: to speak or act in an evasive way. So the character who was prevaricating was making waffles instead of helping the Doctor. How thoughtful of him to provide food for a nearly dead man!

The Memory Keeper's Daughter (262-end)

On page 262, we start with Dr. Henry headed to his old house that he hasn't been to since his sister died. There, he finds that a homeless and pregnant girl lives there. They have a conversation together and he ends up taking her home. Of course, his wife is suspicious and angry, but they only dish it out for a for minutes before she just walks away. Their son is beginning to fall in love with girl, but after finding out that she knows more about his father than he does, he can't handle it and runs off. Toward the end of the book, Paul and Pheobe meet and together they go off to live their own lives.

I learned the term appraiser. An appraiser is someone who estimates the worth/value/quality of things. Basically, you use appraisers when somebody dies. What a great job, huh? Anywho, the appraisers look at the objects of the person and tell you how much they're worth. Sell the items, get the money.

"The Boy Who Dared" Power

Many people abused their power in "The Boy Who Dared." One is Hitler. Hitler abused his power by creating harsh and unneeded laws, started wars, and threw out the Jews. This impacts Helmuth's life because he had to follows laws he didn't believe in, he hated the idea of war, and he couldn't figure out why Hitler hated the Jews. Another example are the soldiers Helmuth fought with. They abuse their power by bullying everybody wherever they go. This impacts Helmuth's life because he gets into many fights with the soldiers and his friends must hold him back.

I believe Helmuth will speak out against Hitler and use the shortwave radio. While saying these things and using the radio, his neighbors will catch him and inform the soldiers. He'll be arrested and thrown in prison. This will lead up to him waiting for execution day.