Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Chapter Mash-up

Chapter 8-
Bruno/Gretel-  Love/hate relationship have to love each other
Lt. Kotler/Gretel- Gretel acts stupid around Lt. Kolter.
Lt. Kotler/ Father- Work relationship
Grandmother/Bruno- they both love art He wonders why grandma gives herself the most parts.
Mother/Father-  average married couple also a love/hate  
Grandmother/ Father- love/hate
Grandmother/mother- Mother is annoyed by Grandmother and Grandmother thinks Mother is foolish for only caring about looks.

Chapter 9-  Before Bruno came to Out-With he was happy and content with life. Bruno had lots of friends that he would play with almost every day. When Bruno and his family came to Out-With he  was very unhappy. Bruno has no friends. He has nothing to do. He has to do everything by himself like when Bruno made the tire swing by himself.
Chapter 10- Bruno was exploring when he found Shmuel sitting on the other side of the fence. He walked up to Shmuel and they started talking.

They share same birthday.
Both 9
Both in Poland at Out-with
Both speak German

Shmuel Polish and Bruno’s German
Different sides of fence
Bruno explorer: Shmuel isn’t
Shmuel speaks 2 languages: Bruno speaks 1
Many people have name of Shmuel: one person with name of Bruno

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