Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Missing Poster for Pavel

Click this link to see!


  1. I do not think that he is middle-aged. I think he is a lot older than that. Also he would not have been last seen at a clinic because he is in Auschwitz. The picture does look like what I think he would look like. Also a little bit more detail about him is needed.

  2. I like the looks part and the last seen part too. I think you could have improved on his age and the if found part.

  3. I think he is older than middle aged and you could have added more about if you found him. I like the format and you described him well.

  4. Pro’s: *I enjoyed the part that said to get hurt in order to get Pavel’s attention, I found it super funny. *Always wears a smile is a nice touch.
    Con’s: *Isn’t Pavel bald? *Pavel isn’t a doctor anymore.
