Monday, March 3, 2014

Chapter 11

"Two people stood outside: a rather small man and a taller woman."  Bruno refers to Hitler as small and the woman who accompanied him tall. Hitler, at 5'8'', normally wouldn't be considered short. The woman who accompanied him was only 5'4'' but carries herself well so she would seem a bit taller to a nine year old boy. He was also shorter than Bruno's father.
(Found at google)

"She had blonde hair and very red lips..." At this point, Bruno is talking about Hitler's wife. Pictures show she was strawberry blonde and her lips were very red.

"He had dark hair, which was cut quite short, and a tiny moustache..." Bruno refers to Hitler's little stache here. Bruno thinks it's too short to be bothered with. Even thinks he missed a spot while shaving. Although it was small, it wasn't small enough to be a spot missed while shaving. His hair was dark and short, more of a brown and modern.

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