Monday, March 10, 2014

Chapters 16&17

Grandmother died. This impacts Father only a little bit. He's sad but he doesn't want to quit his job. He doesn't quit because he's proud of the work he's doing for the Fatherland.

Medicinal sherries are alcoholic beverages. Mother uses them because she doesn't like Father's job and is unhappy. She needs fewer now because of Kurt.

Lt. Kotler was sent away because of the dinner discussion.

She would hate them. I know this because she disagreed with Father's job and the idea of killing Jews.

She gets rid of her dolls! "In their place she had hung up maps of Europe that Father had given her, and every day she put little pins into them and moved the pins around constantly after consulting the daily newspaper."

They have touched for the first time which means they don't think of each other as enemies and are planning to stick together.

They seem to be getting into more and more arguments and are getting father apart.

Bruno only looks alike in the way that they both are bald at this point. Otherwise he was completely wrong. He's fatter and healthier while Schmuel is weak and thin.

In 17, everybody is leaving but Father. This causes problems for Schmuel and Bruno. Bruno may decide to sneak over to Schmuels side which could cause him to get into serious trouble or even bring his death.

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