Sunday, April 27, 2014

The Outsiders

Chapter 3
The real difference between social classes: The Greaser's are allowed to show emotion, even if it's only to be 'cool' while the Soc's can't show any emotion.

Chapter 4
Location: Park, next to water fountain in center of park.
Weapons: Knives, fists, water fountain
Who's Being Charged With What: Johnny- Murder. David- Attempted Murder
Accomplices and Witnesses: Accomplices- Other Soc's. Witnesses- Ponyboy and Johnny
Roles in Incident: David- Trying to drown Ponyboy. Ponyboy- Victim. Other Soc's- Offenders. Johnny- Murderer and Victim

Chapter 5
1. Johnny bought baloney, bread, matches, a book, peroxide, a deck of cards, and cigs.
2. Ponyboy cut his hair and bleached it blond. Johnny cut his hair and thinned his bangs.
3. They read the book, played poker, and talking.
4. He was smoking too much.
5. They're both beating themselves up about it.
6. That there's a war going on between the Soc's and Greasers.
7. Cherry.
8. If the Soc's win, things go on as usual. If the Greaser's win, the Soc's stay out of their territory.

Chapter 8
Johnny is currently in a bad condition. The doctors don't think he will make it and he passed out when he was talking to Ponyboy and Two-Bit. Pony and his brothers are slowly fixing their relationship so they won't have to go to different boy homes. (Orphanages.) The rumble is still on but Randy and Cherry don't want in on any part of it.

Having a Greaser/Soc will help us to understand the different sides better and make us more interested in the book.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

S.E. Hinton Author Bio

S.E. Hinton, or Susan Eloise Hinton, was born in Tulsa, Oklahoma on July 22, 1948. She attended school at Will Rogers High School where she wrote her first book, The Outsiders. S.E. enjoys reading and writing, the main reasons she began writing. Her narrator suggested that she take a different name, a male name, because he was afraid that her readers would be put off by reading macho stories by a female. She chose S.E. Hinton for herself.

S.E. Hinton has written many books, some of which are very well-known. These books include The Outsiders, Tex, That Was Then, This is Now, and Rumble Fish. S.E. Hinton usually writes young-adult novels. Her characters are usually strong male leads and very macho. The themes for her books usually revolve around social conditions and classes.

Hinton has received numerous honors and awards. She won the Margaret Alexander Edwards Award in 1998, an award that honors authors "whose books or books, over a period of time, have been accepted by young people as an authentic voice that continues to illuminate their experiences and emotions, giving insight into their lives." She has received the following awards for The Outsiders:

  • New York Herald Tribune Best Teenage Books List, 1967
  • Chicago Tribune Book World Spring Book Festival Honor Book, 1967
My prediction for the book? I feel like I'll like this book because it sounds different than most I've read and fairly interesting. There wasn't much that surprised me when I looked up S.E. Hinton besides how young she was when she published her book. 

Thursday, April 10, 2014

The Giver 12, 13, & 14

1. I would miss the color blue the most. I think I would miss blue the most because it's the color of the sky, water, eyes. It's a gorgeous color and I couldn't imagine life without it.
2. There is a little value to Sameness. The biggest value that stands out to me is the fact that there would be no envy. Everyone is that same and there really is no reason for fighting. There are no wars or anything so life would be...okay...if that's the only thing you thought about.

1. Yes I agree with Jonas. It's safer.
2. Because they're okay with how their lives are. He doesn't like that when he knows so much more than they do.
3. Without memories, knowledge really has no meaning. Memories provide insight and help fix mistakes. Memories are needed to have proper knowledge.

1. Yes.
2. No. I think everyone should have the memories so those mistakes aren't ever made again.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

The Giver Chapters 8&9

Chapter 8
1. I think it means he can see the truth and the reason why his community is the way it is.
2. I think it would be cooler to be selected, but all that attention would be nerve wracking. I do believe I would rather be selected, though.

Chapter 9
1. No and no.
2. Because know he's questioning his entire life. He has no way of knowing if anyone has ever lied to him and there is no way to ever know. His entire life has just been turned upside down.

The Hunted Part Two

The main character made it home alive but he can feel his body changing. He can no longer stand the heat or the sun. He begins to think he's crazy but his doubts are erased when he finds signs of the attack outside his house in the morning. He talks to his friends who don't believe him, until one of them is also attacked and nearly killed. Then an epic quest to kill the monster starts.

I connected this to Percy Jackson. Percy also thinks he's going crazy after nobody remembers the 'teacher' who attacked him. Then his doubts are erased when he finds out he's a demi-god.

The Hunted

In the beginning we meet the main characters who are planning to blow up a gas station because the owner is a rapist. It's three guys and one girl, all of whom live in a small town in Canada. They succeed and never get caught. Then the main character's best friend goes a little insane and the main character and the chic decide to run home. When they go separate directions, the main character is attacked by a monster.

I connected this to Percy Jackson. Percy is attacked by a monster in a museum and neither know what is going on.

Monday, April 7, 2014

The Giver Chapters 6&7

Chapter 6
1. I like how families are formed in the community. It's very orderly and very easy. No mistakes are made and each newborn is given a good family.

Chapter 7
1. I would be ashamed, angry, worried, and scared. It isn't right to be skipped by the Elders when given your assignment. I would have been desperately searching my mind for a reason that I had been skipped.

Director's View List (In progress)

Pros- It falls into same category as Hunger Games and Divergent (In genres right now.) Very easy to change scenes, add more to the scenes, make scenes better.

Cons- Jonas is a young boy. Will have to change age. Beginning is vague. Will have to add new beginning. Ceremony will take forever to film. Make it vague, fast, something to shorten and make interesting to viewers.

Friday, April 4, 2014

The Giver Vocabulary

1.  intrigued: 1, very interested; fascinated
Sentence: Occasionally, when supplies were delivered by cargo planes to the landing field across the river, children rode their bicycles to the riverbank and watched, intrigued…...
Context Clues Proof: Children stopped what they were doing to watch.
2.  ironic: 2, contrast between tone/meaning
Sentence: There was an ironic tone to that final message…...
Context Clues Proof: amusing and grim.
3. palpable: 3, able to be felt
Sentence: ­­­­….he remembered that moment of palpable, stomach-sinking terror…..
   Context Clues Proof: stomach-sinking
4.  distraught: 4, mentally upset
Sentence: I guess I just got distraught, watching them.
Context Clues Proof: Distraught and distracting.
5.  apprehensive: 4, fearful about the future
Sentence: Apprehensive, Jonas decided.
Context Clues Proof: Shudder of nervousness.  
6.  defiant: 5, resisting or challenging
  Sentence: ­­­­….smiled at her defiant gesture.
Context Clues Proof: I felt so angry at him. I made my hand into a fist….
7.  enhance: 12, improve by adding to
Sentence: ….because it occurred to me that it might enhance his nurturing if I could call him by his name.
Context Clues Proof: Watches Gabriel when others aren’t around.
8.  chastise: 20, punish
Sentence: ­­­­He waited for his father to chastise Lily.
Context Clues Proof: Rude
9. nondescript: 24, with no outstanding features
Sentence: ­­­­The same nondescript shade….
Context Clues Proof: Unchanged.
10. serene: 28, calm and peaceful
Sentence: ­­­­It was a serene and slow-paced place….
Context Clues Proof: Unlike busy centers….

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

'The Giver' Reflection Answers

Chapter One
1. Being released means that the people are being sent out into the wilderness where animals will attack them and kill them.
2. There are no animals in Jonas's community, there are lots of rules, and everyone shares a birthday on the same day.

Chapter Two
1. I think it was be awful to not have your own birthday. Everyone would be having their own parties and nobody would be able to come to yours.
2. I think I was get the Nurturer. I enjoy working with newborns.

Chapter Three
1. They were just like him. This means that Jonas will start thinking of Gabriel as his brother and he will question his life.
2. I would be creeped out all the time. No privacy at all. Ever.
3. Yes. It means he isn't like everyone else and changes are going to come soon.

Chapter Four
1. An example is the bike rule. Anyone under 9 isn't supposed to ride a bike but they do anyways because it isn't a serious question. Another rule is that you must have so many hours of volunteer work in order to receive your job. If you don't, you'll have shame and dishonor rained upon you when you finish the volunteer hours and get no celebration for it.

Chapter Five
1. Jonas was embarrassed because it was the first time he had felt those feelings and he was unsure of how to react to them.
2. Very important. It's also important in our society. Those who are different are excluded and thought of as less important.