Monday, April 7, 2014

The Giver Chapters 6&7

Chapter 6
1. I like how families are formed in the community. It's very orderly and very easy. No mistakes are made and each newborn is given a good family.

Chapter 7
1. I would be ashamed, angry, worried, and scared. It isn't right to be skipped by the Elders when given your assignment. I would have been desperately searching my mind for a reason that I had been skipped.

Director's View List (In progress)

Pros- It falls into same category as Hunger Games and Divergent (In genres right now.) Very easy to change scenes, add more to the scenes, make scenes better.

Cons- Jonas is a young boy. Will have to change age. Beginning is vague. Will have to add new beginning. Ceremony will take forever to film. Make it vague, fast, something to shorten and make interesting to viewers.

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