Wednesday, April 2, 2014

'The Giver' Reflection Answers

Chapter One
1. Being released means that the people are being sent out into the wilderness where animals will attack them and kill them.
2. There are no animals in Jonas's community, there are lots of rules, and everyone shares a birthday on the same day.

Chapter Two
1. I think it was be awful to not have your own birthday. Everyone would be having their own parties and nobody would be able to come to yours.
2. I think I was get the Nurturer. I enjoy working with newborns.

Chapter Three
1. They were just like him. This means that Jonas will start thinking of Gabriel as his brother and he will question his life.
2. I would be creeped out all the time. No privacy at all. Ever.
3. Yes. It means he isn't like everyone else and changes are going to come soon.

Chapter Four
1. An example is the bike rule. Anyone under 9 isn't supposed to ride a bike but they do anyways because it isn't a serious question. Another rule is that you must have so many hours of volunteer work in order to receive your job. If you don't, you'll have shame and dishonor rained upon you when you finish the volunteer hours and get no celebration for it.

Chapter Five
1. Jonas was embarrassed because it was the first time he had felt those feelings and he was unsure of how to react to them.
2. Very important. It's also important in our society. Those who are different are excluded and thought of as less important.

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