Friday, April 4, 2014

The Giver Vocabulary

1.  intrigued: 1, very interested; fascinated
Sentence: Occasionally, when supplies were delivered by cargo planes to the landing field across the river, children rode their bicycles to the riverbank and watched, intrigued…...
Context Clues Proof: Children stopped what they were doing to watch.
2.  ironic: 2, contrast between tone/meaning
Sentence: There was an ironic tone to that final message…...
Context Clues Proof: amusing and grim.
3. palpable: 3, able to be felt
Sentence: ­­­­….he remembered that moment of palpable, stomach-sinking terror…..
   Context Clues Proof: stomach-sinking
4.  distraught: 4, mentally upset
Sentence: I guess I just got distraught, watching them.
Context Clues Proof: Distraught and distracting.
5.  apprehensive: 4, fearful about the future
Sentence: Apprehensive, Jonas decided.
Context Clues Proof: Shudder of nervousness.  
6.  defiant: 5, resisting or challenging
  Sentence: ­­­­….smiled at her defiant gesture.
Context Clues Proof: I felt so angry at him. I made my hand into a fist….
7.  enhance: 12, improve by adding to
Sentence: ….because it occurred to me that it might enhance his nurturing if I could call him by his name.
Context Clues Proof: Watches Gabriel when others aren’t around.
8.  chastise: 20, punish
Sentence: ­­­­He waited for his father to chastise Lily.
Context Clues Proof: Rude
9. nondescript: 24, with no outstanding features
Sentence: ­­­­The same nondescript shade….
Context Clues Proof: Unchanged.
10. serene: 28, calm and peaceful
Sentence: ­­­­It was a serene and slow-paced place….
Context Clues Proof: Unlike busy centers….

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