Thursday, May 1, 2014

The Outsiders (April 30 assignment)

Consider the family dynamics of Pony, Darry, and Soda up through Chapter 7. Give Pony some advice on his relationship with Darry and the relationship of all three boys. 
"Hey, just bear with Darry. He cares about you and is worried about you and Johnny. He knows how close you guys were. Keep Soda and Darry close. The three of you are family and you gotta look out for each other."

Additionally, give Pony some advice on what's going on with Johnny. How can you make him feel better without giving him false hope or making a promise you can't keep? What should he do in the immediate future? What advice can you offer to make him feel better about what's going on?
"Pony, go and visit Johnny. See how he's doing. Then get some revenge. Beat up a couple of Soc's. Let them know that it isn't okay to mess with your brothers. Avenge Johnny. Then visit him again. Make sure he stays alright."

Create a definition of a hero. Analyze Johnny and Ponyboy- how do they fit as heroes? Defend your answer. 
Heroes are people who risk their lives for others. They are selfless and don't care about the consequences their actions have as long as they're keeping others safe. Ponyboy and Johnny are heroes because they selflessly ran into a burning church to rescue the kids who were stuck in the back, nearly losing their lives in the process. Although they are part of a gang, they care about others and aren't afraid to risk their lives for the lives of others.

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